How will new carbide inserts make steel turning sustainable?

        Manufacturers must minimize their environmental impact while further optimizing energy use in line with the 17 global sustainable development goals set by the United Nations (UN). Despite the importance of CSR to the company, Sandvik Coromant estimates that manufacturers waste between 10 and 30% of material in their machining processes, with typical machining efficiency of less than 50%, including the design, planning and cutting phases.
        So what can manufacturers do? The UN goals recommend two main paths, taking into account factors such as population growth, limited resources and a linear economy. First, use technology to solve these problems. Industry 4.0 concepts such as cyber-physical systems, big data or the Internet of Things (IoT) are often cited as the way forward for manufacturers looking to reduce waste. However, this does not take into account the fact that most manufacturers have not yet implemented modern machine tools with digital capabilities into their steel turning operations.
        Most manufacturers recognize the importance of insert grade selection to improve the efficiency and productivity of steel turning, and how this affects overall productivity and tool life. However, many people miss the trick by not considering the whole concept of the tool, from advanced blades and handles to easy-to-use digital solutions. Each of these factors can help make steel turning greener by reducing energy consumption and reducing waste.
        Manufacturers face many challenges when turning steel. These include getting more edges from a single blade, increasing metal removal rates, reducing cycle times, optimizing inventory levels and, of course, minimizing material waste. But what if there was a way to solve all these problems, but in general achieve greater sustainability? One way to reduce power consumption is to slow down the cutting speed. Manufacturers can maintain productivity by proportionally increasing feed rates and depth of cut. In addition to saving energy, this also increases tool life. In steel turning, Sandvik Coromant found a 25% increase in average tool life, which, combined with reliable and predictable performance, minimized material loss on the workpiece and insert.
        Choosing the right brand of blade can help achieve this goal to a certain extent. That’s why Sandvik Coromant has added a new pair of carbide grades for P-turning called GC4415 and GC4425 to its range. GC4425 provides improved wear resistance, heat resistance and toughness, while GC4415 grade is designed to complement GC4425 when improved performance and higher temperature resistance are required. It is important to note that both grades can be used on tougher materials such as Inconel and ISO-P unalloyed stainless steel, which are particularly difficult and resistant to mechanical stress. The right grade helps to machine more parts in high volume and/or mass production.
        Grade GC4425 provides a high level of process safety due to its ability to keep the edge line intact. Because the insert can machine more parts per edge, less carbide is used to machine the same number of parts. In addition, inserts with consistent and predictable performance prevent workpiece damage by minimizing workpiece material waste. Both of these benefits reduce the amount of waste generated.
        In addition, for GC4425 and GC4415, the core material and insert coating have been designed for better high temperature resistance. This reduces the effects of excessive wear, so the material is able to retain its edge at higher temperatures.
        However, manufacturers should also consider using coolant in their blades. When using tools with subcoolant and subcoolant, it may be useful in some operations to shut off the supply of supercoolant. The main function of a cutting fluid is to remove chips, cool and lubricate between the tool and the workpiece material. When applied correctly, it maximizes productivity, enhances process safety, and enhances tool productivity and part quality. Using a toolholder with internal coolant also increases tool life.
        Both GC4425 and GC4415 feature a second generation Inveio® layer, a textured CVD alumina (Al2O3) coating designed for processing. An examination of Inveio at the microscopic level shows that the surface of the material is characterized by a unidirectional crystal orientation. In addition, the die orientation of the second generation Inveio coating has been significantly improved. More importantly than before, each crystal in the alumina coating is aligned in the same direction, creating a strong barrier to the cut zone.
        Inveio offers inserts with high wear resistance and extended tool life. Longer tool life is, of course, beneficial to lower unit cost. In addition, the material’s cemented carbide matrix contains a high percentage of recycled carbide, making it one of the most environmentally friendly grades. To test these claims, Sandvik Coromant customers conducted pre-sale tests on GC4425. One General Engineering company used both a competitor’s blade and a GC4425 blade to make press rolls. Continuous external axial machining and ISO-P class semi-finishing at a cutting speed (vc) of 200 m/min, a feed rate of 0.4 mm/rev (fn) and a depth (ap) of 4 mm.
        Manufacturers usually measure tool life by the number of parts machined (pieces). The competitor’s grade machined 12 parts to wear due to plastic deformation, while the Sandvik Coromant insert machined 18 parts and did so 50% longer, with consistent and predictable wear. This case study shows the benefits that can be gained by combining the right machining elements and how recommendations on preferred tools and cutting data from a trusted partner such as Sandvik Coromant can contribute to process safety and reduce tool sourcing efforts. Lost time. Online tools such as the CoroPlus® Tool Guide have also proved popular, helping manufacturers evaluate the turning inserts and grades that best suit their requirements.
        To aid in process monitoring itself, Sandvik Coromant has also developed CoroPlus® process control software that monitors processing in real time and takes action according to programmed protocols when specific problems occur, such as stopping the machine or replacing worn cutting blades. This brings us to the second UN recommendation on more sustainable instruments: moving towards a circular economy, treating waste as a raw material, and re-entering resource-neutral cycles. It is becoming increasingly clear that the circular economy is environmentally friendly and profitable for manufacturers.
        This includes recycling solid carbide tools – in the end, we all benefit if worn tools don’t end up in landfills and landfills. Both GC4415 and GC4425 contain significant amounts of recovered carbides. The production of new tools from recycled carbide requires 70% less energy than the production of new tools from virgin materials, which also results in a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions. In addition, Sandvik Coromant’s carbide recycling program is available to all of our customers worldwide. Companies buy used blades and round knives from customers, regardless of their origin. This is indeed necessary given how scarce and limited raw materials will be in the long run. For example, the estimated reserves of tungsten are about 7 million tons, which will last us about 100 years. The take-back program allowed Sandvik Coromant to recycle 80 percent of its products through the carbide buyback program.
        Despite the current market uncertainty, producers cannot forget their other obligations, including CSR. Fortunately, by adopting new machining methods and the right carbide inserts, manufacturers can improve sustainability without sacrificing process safety and more effectively address the challenges COVID-19 has brought to the market.
        Rolf is Product Manager at Sandvik Coromant. He has extensive experience in product development and production management of tool materials. He leads projects to develop new alloys for various types of clients such as aerospace, automotive and general engineering.
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Post time: Apr-03-2023